Chuck Jones in Your Homes: Back to Basics!

BUS QUEUE LONDON 72dpi w copyright.jpg


In 1960, Chuck Jones and his wife, Dorothy, traveled to Berlin to visit their daughter, Linda and her husband who were stationed there. Whenever and wherever Chuck traveled, he always took art-making supplies with him; blank-paged journals of various sizes, pencils, pens, watercolors, pastels, oil paint, brushes--well, you get the picture. The watercolor above, titled "Bus Queue--London" was done on this trip to Europe. Can you see how the elements of art work together to make this image so very special?

OUR CLASSES this month will be a mix of subjects that involve working on our fundamental art skills through a variety of exercises and methods.

We are so thankful for all of our students! In order to be able to keep offering these free lessons we are switching to a donation model. We suggest $5-10 per class, but anything you want to give is graciously appreciated. In addition to all of our free classes we are offering both private lessons and semi-private lessons. You can make a donation by clicking here.

Each class line is a link to that event with information on the class and supplies you will need and the Zoom link. Links go live HERE the Sunday or day before the week begins.

"Form" is the first week's theme. This week, each of our teaching artists will explore form as a fundamental basic of art-making. Next week, we'll tackle "Space", then "Value" and the last week in February, we'll put all of the seven elements of art together, exercising your genius!

Click the image or here to view this week's class schedule, zoom links, and the remaining classes scheduled for February.