Creativity at Vital Link


On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, (April 13th-15th), the Chuck Jones Center for Creativity hosted a booth full of activities, artwork, and character galore at the Orange County Youth Expo’s Vital Link’s STEM & DMA Showcase 2012 (Science Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Digital Media Arts). Chuck Jones Center’s head teaching artist, Chris Scardino beautifully spearheaded the presentation and programs at the event. 

One of the masterful by-products of this 3-day endeavor was this inspired work created by dozens of participants (young and young-at-heart) throughout the weekend. This turned out be a truly inspired, imaginative, and collaborative event!

We heard from other attendees that the Chuck Jones Center for Creativity's booth was filled with participants every single day of the event. And although there were robots, video games, science projects, and other 'high tech' booths to explore, our simple booth--filled with paper and pencils--elicited the most positive response from the children (and some of the adults.)

"All you can give a child is time." --Chuck Jones

CJCC to Participate with Vision Link at OC Youth Expo

The Chuck Jones Center for Creativity will be participating in Vital Link/OC Youth Expo's STEM and DMA showcase this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, April 13-15 at the Orange County Fairgrounds.Vital Link’s mission is to be the link between business and education to prepare students for the successful transition to a meaningful career.

Vital Link‘s vision is to serve as a Business/Education facilitator and provide quality support services to career and technical educators, thereby providing current, relevant and meaningful information to all students to help them choose their career.  

Craig Kausen, chairman of the Chuck Jones Center for Creativity will be a guest speaker on Friday. The Center's resident teaching artist, Christopher Scardino will be leading workshops in drawing throughout the three day event. 

If you have teenagers in the throes of planning a future career and you live in Orange County, please take them to this event. The event is open to the public on Saturday and Sunday; Friday is reserved for school participation. To learn more click on Vital Link.